1. Charter Date: 12 October -2018
2. Number of Members: 42 active and 02 honourary Total 44 member
3. Number of Male Members: 36
4. Number of Female Members: 06
5. Number of PHFs: 05
6. Number of MPHFs: 05
7. Number of Major Donors: 01
8. Number of PHS : None
9. Number of AKS : None
10. Number of RLI Graduates: 10
11. Signatory Projects your Club has done so far (with the Titles of those Projects): 3 Happy Schools
12. District Grant Projects your Club has done so far (with the Titles of those Projects): A) Vocational Training and Women Empowerment B) Mother & Child Care
13. Global Grant Projects your Club has done so far with the Titles of those Projects: We missed it
14. CSR Projects your Club has done so far with the Titles of those Projects: No
15. Number of DGs from your club with their names: A. PDG Dinanath Lohia ( 2008 - 09 ). B. PDG Dr Rintu Guha Neogai ( 2016 -17 )